Self-Reflection for Greater Self-Awareness

Periodically I write about self-awareness and based on some recent experiences and conversations, it seemed like a good time to revisit the topic.

Self-awareness is the ability to identify your moods, what you’re feeling, and how they have an impact on those you interact with. Self-aware people are also more in touch with what motivates them and what they want.

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Women and Burnout

Beginning in 2015, and McKinsey have conducted annual comprehensive studies of women in the corporate workplace. The most recent report was just released and focused on the impact of the pandemic, issues of diversity and inclusion, and the overall state of work.

This column focuses specifically on their findings related to burnout, which has been continuing as a consequence of the pandemic.

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Does Your Company Have a Foundation of Trust?

I’ve been part of several conversations recently where trust issues have surfaced. Some have been positive, reflecting leaders who understand and embrace the benefits of a high trust culture. And others have swung to the other side of the spectrum where lack of trust is creating cracks in the organization.

Why is trust so important?

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Pace Yourself

Do you ever feel like a crazy lunatic as you try to accomplish way too many things at once? Of course, you have! Not only do you experience this, but everyone has a different “lunatic pace.” Your threshold may have more or less elasticity than someone you work with closely.

I’ve found that people pick up their pace when they are working with someone who zooms through the day, even though it may be hard to keep up. These are critical moments, because when you constantly try to pace yourself at what is an unnaturally rapid clip for you, you will inevitably miss things.

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Engagement, Appreciation and Growth

Continuing our theme of employee engagement, consider the correlation between engagement and appreciation. People want to be appreciated and acknowledged for a job well done. It isn’t a big leap to understand that when people are praised for their efforts, they are motivated to do more.

Leaders who feel that recognition merits only occasional effort miss the opportunity to enhance the employee experience. Make sure that you express appreciation in a sincere and well-meaning manner. Employees know immediately when someone is “scamming” them.

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Back to School Spirit

The weeks after Labor Day trigger a “back to school” feeling for many of us. The air is filled with the possibilities of a fresh start that can be quite energizing. With the back to school spirit in mind, think about what’s on deck for you in the next three and a half months.

Consider things that are important to you that may have set aside because of more urgent priorities. Often, what is important can be overtaken by the urgencies of daily life. When we take time to breathe, we discover that important things may have been set aside.

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Celebrating Labor Day

A holiday weekend is upon us with the celebration of Labor Day on Monday, September 6. Today, many people think of Labor Day as a national holiday that marks the unofficial end of summer, rather than thinking about the underlying history that resulted in its origins.

Labor Day came about in the late nineteenth century to honor workers and their achievements at a time when people were working mandatory 12-hour days, 7 days a week.

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Does Your Company Have a Case of Presenteeism?

Why is employee engagement so important? Obviously, there are myriad answers, but at the core, the more engaged your employees are the better they will do their jobs. Better job performance results in fewer mistakes, which ultimately leads to more satisfied clients.

You know what absenteeism is, but are you familiar with presenteeism? This happens when employees show up at work and simply go through the motions of their jobs. They do the minimum amount of work without calling attention to their declining effectiveness and productivity.

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Employees to Employers: “I QUIT!”

The Gallup Organization conducted a survey recently that concluded that 48% of people who are active employees are looking for new jobs. In fact, 3.6 million employees quit their jobs in May. Tried to hire recently? I’m sure you’ve experienced that this is more difficult than it has been in recent memory.

Gallup is coining this emerging trend as “The Great Resignation”, but suggests that the underlying theme is “The Great Discontent”.

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The Impact of Leaders Who Step Up

I received an exceptional email from a founding partner of a national window covering company. He thanked me for my interest in their company and reinforced their commitment to the “health, happiness and safety of our team and our customers.”

So far, so good.

He then said, “You’re in great hands with your Design Consultant, but please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to make your experience with us more enjoyable.”

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