Facilitating Resilience

People are getting wobblier. Perceptions of adversity are increasing, particularly with the expectation of the pandemic lingering on for months ahead.

As a result, vulnerability is popping up more frequently. The more vulnerable the employee, the harder it may be for them to get the job done.

While it is not the leader’s job to evaluate and “fix” wobbly employees, understanding some of the principles of resilience may help you help them.

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Management By Walking Around….Virtually

Just because many companies are working remotely doesn’t mean that your staff isn’t experiencing strife. “He said” this and “she did” that and “I don’t know anything about this” are expressions that pop up, whether you’re remote or physically in the office.

When you hear these types of phrases occasionally, it’s normal and controllable. But if these expressions occur regularly, you need to investigate what’s going on.

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Managing Expectations

Everyone has their own standards of performance and achievement even if they don’t consciously think about them. The workplace supplements these standards by setting expectations for performance on the job.

Leaders need to be clear about their expectations, especially in our multigenerational workforce. What an older Baby Boomer experienced earlier in her career and expects as a given probably isn’t the norm today. If that same older Baby Boomer imposes 1970s expectations on a Gen Z employee, they may not be enthusiastically received.

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90 Day Challenge

Fall arrived about 10 days ago, but with the arrival of October, it psychologically seems to be more in tune with the season. Depending on how you look at your calendar, fall can range from a “back to school” vibe to the jolt that there are only 90 remaining until the end of the year.

As this year continues to be unlike any we’ve ever experienced, I challenge you to think about what you’d like to accomplish between now and the end of the year and then commit to action.

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