Shades of Black

Experienced managers routinely make decisions that are essentially black and white. But have you ever noticed that how you execute those decisions can make a difference in outcome?

Think of this as “shades of black”, which is really about nuances. You know that you’re functioning within the realm of black, but which black is it?

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The Ripple Effect of Change

A couple of my clients have shared concerns about dealing with key vendors due to major changes occurring in the vendors’ companies. One vendor is going through a substantial reorganization, and another has experienced the firing of its most senior officers without any apparent succession plan in place. Both vendors are swimming in chaos.

My clients are continuing to do business as they always have, but their situations have been fraught with challenges. Even though they have no control over either situation, they are receiving the residual runoff of their vendors’ discontent and fears.

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The Power of One Strong Goal

It’s that time of the year where you’re wondering what the heck happened to the year…how did it go by so quickly…. and … how am I going to complete everything that I committed to do in 2023?

Well, there are about 80 days left in this year. The biggest challenge is falling into the trap of trying to do everything that you didn’t accomplish all year. If you turn into a whirlwind, you might make a little progress on several things, but may end up feeling dissatisfied because you didn’t get a great result on an important initiative.

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Are You Prepared for Succession?

This topic has come up with clients several times in the past few weeks. For example, one executive who is preparing for retirement wants to hire someone to manage operational issues in the company. He hadn’t thought of this as succession, but that’s exactly what it is.

When you hire for succession, you’re not just thinking about hiring a competent person to fill a position. You’re considering a longer-term leader for key positions in your company or department.

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Leadership Decisiveness

As a leader, you’re always “on”, whether you want to be or not. Sometimes it seems like everyone is observing your actions and making judgments. And, of course, these judgments are usually made out of context, without full information.

This comes with the leadership territory and as such people want to see confidence, decisiveness, and consistency in their leaders.

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Are You Flexibly Working Your Plan?

Two months of the year have whooshed away and before too much more time passes, it’s worth taking time to look at what you’ve accomplished so far this year.

Are you on track? Are you pacing the way you expected late last year when you finalized your plan for 2023? What has changed and how are you accommodating those changes?

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Did You Miss Your Exit?

CEOs who aspire to spectacular growth have expectations of nothing short of exceptional results from their leaders. They rally these leaders with optimistic views of the future and eyes on the rewards that will be given for achieving KPIs and other metrics.

Strong leaders take the nod and push their departments forward with similar focus. The drive for growth is pushed down through the organization where outstanding results are expected consistently.

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Refresh Your Mindset for the New Year

Last time we looked at what worked and what didn’t work for you in 2022. Today we’re previewing the new year with a focus on refreshing your mindset.

The end and beginning of the year are typical times that people think in terms of a fresh start. To have a successful fresh start, you will benefit by rebooting your mindset.

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