Energy Management

It’s already the end of January, and if you’re like many people, you’ve been striving to hit and maintain a better stride. Achieving professionals are always trying to go up a notch, and January is the month when it’s most noticeable.

To keep your momentum going, scope out the year and see what you can do to gradually keep your momentum going each month. The key is “gradual”, so think marathon, not sprint.

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Do You Have a System to Manage Deadlines?

Most deadlines aren’t just one giant event happening on a given day. Rather, there are myriad small deadlines that lead up to that big event.

Managing multiple deadlines is challenging, and I’ve found that one system doesn’t fit every person. You need to proactively find a system that works best for you and implement it consistently.

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How is Your Endurance?

Endurance is a life skill worthy of development. It’s our ability to withstand something challenging. An easy way to envision it is a through a sports example, such as building stamina by increasing the number of reps you do in your exercises.

Endurance has become an essential skill in the workplace. Leaders and their employees alike need the stamina to overcome challenges, some of which persist for long periods of time.

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Tracking Your Accomplishments

2019 is officially over and it’s time to move into the new year. Whether you make personal resolutions or set professional goals, this is the time of the year where we tend to initiate a fresh start in our lives.

People sometimes characterize a year as a “good” one or a “bad” one. Those sweeping generalizations are not especially helpful.

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Random Acts of Kindness

CBS Sunday Morning has featured stories in recent years on “Secret Santa”, an anonymous, wealthy, businessman who gives away $100,000 in $100 bills every Christmas. The story illustrates how he lifts the spirits of people he randomly touches, and we feel good just watching it!

Random acts of kindness are unplanned good deeds that are extended without the expectation of anything in return. When you offer a random act of kindness, you feel good and the recipient feels good….a classic “win-win” scenario.

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Can People Follow Your Thoughts?

This question may seem a little like mind reading, and at times it is. Leaders who do not clearly articulate what they want are hard to follow, and sometimes it may indeed seem like mind reading.

This becomes even more challenging when they change their mind on a dime and “forget” to tell their teams that there has been a change in direction.

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