Pace Yourself

Do you ever feel like a crazy lunatic as you try to accomplish way too many things at once? Of course, you have! Not only do you experience this, but everyone has a different “lunatic pace.” Your threshold may have more or less elasticity than someone you work with closely.

I’ve found that people pick up their pace when they are working with someone who zooms through the day, even though it may be hard to keep up. These are critical moments, because when you constantly try to pace yourself at what is an unnaturally rapid clip for you, you will inevitably miss things.

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Focus and Simplicity

“Focus and simplicity…once you get there,
you can move mountains.”
– Steve Jobs

It almost seems counterproductive to think that simplifying can make a difference in achieving the results you desire. Instead, we tend to overly complicate things. If we add this embellishment or that (time intensive) detail, we think the outcome will be so much better.

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Hit the Pause Button

Memorial Day weekend in the U.S. is just around the corner and I’d like to acknowledge the spirit of the holiday by paying tribute to the men and women who died while serving in the military.

Unlike last year when many of us were locked down due to the pandemic, this year most people have the ability to actually have an almost “normal” holiday. Gatherings of friends and family with accompanying barbeques are on many families’ agendas.

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What Are You Willing to Tolerate?

It’s that time of the year when people make resolutions with the best of intentions for the year ahead. If you do this, good for you! If you can’t quite get to resolutions, though, there are other ways to reflect on the past and envision the future.

2020 has likely been among the most challenging you have experienced. Throughout the year, you’ve undoubtedly learned more about yourself than in other years. As such, you know more about what you’re willing to tolerate.

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“Reboot” Your Mindset

Remember the strategies and goals that you started the year with back in January? It seems impossible to believe that we have barely three weeks left in 2020. Clearly, many of the hopes, plans, and aspirations with which we began the year were dashed and sucker punched.

But remember, it’s not what happens to you that matters, rather it’s what you do about what happens to you.

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Mind Your Time

No matter what your political leaning, I’m sure you’ll agree that this week’s U.S. presidential election has been a gigantic distraction. I wonder how much productivity has tanked as a result of election watch.

As this disruption is likely to continue for the time being, it’s a good time to review tips to stay focused during times of major distraction.

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What’s Your Spin Trigger?

You know the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. We all succumb to this from time to time. And when it happens, it’s not always easy to snap out of it.

During challenging economic times we don’t have time to be “insane”. We need to do. We need to be productive. We need results.

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Tracking Your Accomplishments

2019 is officially over and it’s time to move into the new year. Whether you make personal resolutions or set professional goals, this is the time of the year where we tend to initiate a fresh start in our lives.

People sometimes characterize a year as a “good” one or a “bad” one. Those sweeping generalizations are not especially helpful.

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Extraction from Spin

High growth business environments can morph into chaotic messes when you least expect it. As exciting as it can be to be part of rapid growth, leaders who spin around in these situations can lose perspective and tend to focus on the wrong things.

One tendency is to grasp at less important issues because they are easier to deal with than more strategic and essential issues. Those less significant matters are often ones that are in your comfort zone rather than the new challenges that arise with growth. Here are some tips to manage yourself during these times.

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