Leaders Need To Replenish Too

I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t quite feel like Memorial Day weekend is upon us. As the unofficial start to summer, in the past Memorial Day weekends were marked by heavy traffic leaving town on Thursday afternoon extending a three-day weekend into four days of glorious time off.

This year significantly fewer people will be leaving for the weekend. Some parts of the country have increased activities due to reopening guidelines, but many of the larger cities are still limited by sheltering guidelines.

But it’s a holiday weekend, and even though the days still seem to run together, you’re entitled for a little time off.

So how do you celebrate this Memorial Day weekend?

The first idea is for your employees. Have some sort of video gathering on Friday to toast the holiday weekend and wish everyone well. These acts of collegiality help people stay connected and shows that you care.

Next is for you. Do something with your family this weekend that is different from what you’ve been doing during the past couple of months. Be present with them and enjoy the activity that you choose.

If it’s hard to un-shelter, here are some ideas for virtual Memorial Day activities that have potential.

+ Here are 20 family-friendly Memorial Day activities.

+ History buffs will appreciate learning about the history of Memorial Day.

+ Google your town + Memorial Day activities and you’ll find results, virtual or otherwise, that you can tap into locally.

+ Need some “me” time? Here are some wellness rituals from around the world.

Whatever you choose, make sure that you take time for yourself to get away from the fray and worries that the pandemic has thrust on us. Leaders need to replenish, too, and this is the weekend to do it.

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