Holiday Gratitude

I hope by the end of today you will be settling into a three-day weekend where you can kick back and downshift a bit. My observation is that this was one of the busiest months of December in recent memory, so you deserve a breather.

Since we’re going into a holiday weekend, I thought I’d share some holiday-related musings about gratitude.

Remember to acknowledge gratitude for your staff and wish them a great holiday (and – oops! – if you forgot this, it’s not too late to do something as simple as send an email). Simply put, people appreciate being appreciated.

Show appreciation for your family and friends. It’s easy to forget to recognize those who are closest to us, and as mentioned above, people appreciate being appreciated.

And last but not least, show some self-appreciation (especially if you are a leader who focuses on everyone and everything other than you). Acknowledge what you’re most proud of…accomplishments you’ve achieved…obstacles you’ve overcome…successes to celebrate.

This time of the year easily lends itself to reflection, so indulge in some and note any especially meaningful thoughts that will steer you in a good direction in the year ahead.

For those who celebrate it, I wish you a peaceful and Merry Christmas!

Have a great holiday weekend –

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