Here Comes a Curveball…

Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you need to react quickly. Of course, these curveballs usually come when you’re not prepared, so having a crisis management guideline will serve you well.

Curveballs can be anything from the loss of a major client to a serious illness or loss of a family member to the news of a downsizing or restructuring. For purposes of this discussion, curveballs are unexpected, overwhelming, and require immediate action.

Stay calm. Although this is easier said than done, your cool head will move you forward more effectively than panicking. Remember, people around you follow your lead. If you freak out, it will probably create anxiety in others.

Assess the situation. Take stock of what you can and can’t do, then focus on the “can”. Create a timeline, rearrange priorities, and get the resources you need to move forward.

Identify the best outcome under the circumstances. These aren’t ideal conditions, but you can envision and work with a best case scenario. Figure out what it is and work towards that result.

Focus on what is important and urgent. The important will cover the strategic, while the urgent takes into account the time-critical steps. You need to cover both elements.

Ask for help. This isn’t time to be the lone ranger. Ask for what you need from the people who can and are committed to help you move ahead.

Stay flexible. Your priorities may keep shifting based on new information. Remember, what’s important is your best outcome, not how you get there.

Curveballs aren’t fun, but if you keep in mind these points, you’ll have a running start to get to your solution. I’d enjoy hearing any of your tips, so feel free to email me.

Have a great day!

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