A Deeper Dive

Have you ever faced a problem that was so complex that you found it difficult to solve?

Of course, you have. Everyone goes through this from time to time. I’ve noticed that people go into a state of spin as they try to solve them. This is because typically they only address the issues on the surface. They don’t take that “deeper dive” to get to the core issue.

Going deeper not only takes time and energy; sometimes it takes courage to face what resides below the surface.

Often you think you know what’s holding you back, but you’re really circling around a symptom. And chances are that this symptom may be quite different than the actual problem.

Here is a way you might troubleshoot something that has you stumped. Begin by formulating a clear question about the unresolved problem. Then ask these three questions:

* If I was helping someone else, what would I ask?
* What am I not saying that is important?
* What will be different for me when this problem is resolved?

It’s even better to go through this exercise with a trusted advisor when possible. Someone else can help you see what may be hidden by your blind spots.

Give it a try. I hope that you have an “aha” that gives you a totally new insight that leads to a solution.

“We cannot solve problems at the same level of thinking that we were at when we created those problems.”
– Albert Einstein

Header image by Energepic/Pexels.com.

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