“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.”
– Walt Disney
The first quarter of 2024 is coming to an end and after you get your breath, it’s worthwhile to look back and review the past three months. Here is a brief checklist to use as a guide and to set yourself up for a strong year:
Reviewing the First Quarter
• Goals: What major goals did you accomplish in the quarter? If you can’t point to any, why not? Can you adjust or break down remaining goals into smaller, more manageable steps?
• Wins and learnings: Celebrate your wins, big or small! What worked well? What unexpected challenges arose? What did you learn from them?
• Health and wellbeing: How did you feel overall in the first quarter? Did you prioritize sleep, exercise, and healthy habits?
Preparing for the Rest of the Year
• Goals and priorities: Revisit your annual goals. Do they still align with your priorities? Refine or course correct if needed.
• Action plan: Break down your annual goals into actionable steps for the remaining quarters.
• Calendar review: Schedule important tasks, deadlines, and personal time in your calendar.
• Personal development: Remember to identify areas for improvement, both personally and professionally. You want to strive to stay sharp.
Reflection: You know I’m big on reflection, so take some quiet time to reflect on your overall progress and well-being. Celebrate your progress – a little reward can be a great motivator!
Finally, share this checklist with your managers and other teammates. Getting them started on this habit will help them stay ahead as well.
Header image by Boophuket/Adobe Stock.