The Post-Labor Day Energy Surge

Even though many schools return to the fall semester in August, traditionally, the week after Labor Day in the U.S. signifies the return to school. It’s an exciting time for students: fresh school supplies, seeing old friends, making new ones, and return to the business of learning.

It’s a little different in the workplace. Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer, after which people return to business as usual. Goodbye to the more relaxed office environment and early Friday departures.

I received an email on Tuesday declaring that it was “back to work” time (as if anyone had taken off the summer!). It made me think about how your own back to school experiences influence what you’re doing at work this week. Is it a fresh start or is it “same old, same old”?

I vote for the fresh start. Any time you have a good reason to make a fresh start, you should go for it. Here are three ideas to get you started.

Improve your organizational system. Everyone can always improve their personal organization system. Think about what will work better for you, and at least try something that you haven’t tried before.

Update your goals. With four months left for 2024, which of your goals need adjustment? Are you on track for the year? If you’re ahead or behind, what needs to shift to stay the course?

Are you being accountable? This is a good time to revisit whether you are following up on your commitments and doing what you say you’re going to do.

Enjoy this time of the year and take a page from the back to school crowd to refresh your outlook.

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”
– Malcolm X

Header image by Jess Bailey Designs/

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