• The difference was dramatic. [The participants] utilized what they learned and created a striking contrast to those who didn’t attend the training.

    Senior Manager, 1199 National Benefit Fund

  • Once again, you delivered an outstanding presentation…you have helped all of our attendees move one step closer to meeting and exceeding their business goals.

    CEO, TTI Performance Systems

  • I found your practical approaches and straightforward style to be extremely effective and beneficial.

    Director, International Tax Services, Ernst & Young

  • Lisa is intelligent, funny, highly empathetic, and hard-nosed when she needs to be. In short, an excellent coach.

    Vice President, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

  • “Because of your efforts, we successfully completed Phase One of our Fan M*A*G*I*C program at Shea Stadium …thank you for your enthusiasm and expertise.”

    Director of Marketing, New York Mets


Strategy and Planning

We provide a five-step process where we work with your management team to evaluate your strategic direction. We help you create strategies that align with your vision, mission, and values and result in increased revenue and profitability.

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Executive and Business Coaching

We provide executive coaching and training to develop your leaders in alignment with your organizational culture and values.

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Leadership Development

We create customized leadership development programs tailored to your organization by using a proprietary system. We evaluate you and/or your organization’s entrepreneurial leadership profile, which will be used as a baseline for our work together.

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Talent Selection

Attracting, retaining and motivating your people are key business initiatives that you need to address as your organization evolves. Often we have a systematized approach to the interview process – or even recruiting – but haven’t thought through the benefits of creating a systematized approach to the hiring process itself.

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Lisa brings over 35 years of business experience and organizational insight to her clients and program audiences. Her programs help CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs and professionals to challenge the status quo, create new goals, and achieve new levels of success.

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What is so special about entrepreneurial leaders? What makes them different from your average, “garden variety” leader?

Entrepreneurial leaders:

  • perform at a higher level than their counterparts and competitors.
  • achieve both personal and professional growth, which leads to growth for their organizations.
  • operate with the highest integrity.
  • attract enviable talent to their teams and companies.
  • enjoy more wins, and share successes graciously.

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Case Studies

Read examples of why we were hired, how we helped, and what happened as a result of working with us:

Organizational Culture and Values

A global sports and entertainment firm underwent an ownership change. The new CEO wanted to make his mark on the organization by articulating mission and values to the hundreds of people who directly interface with customers. He also wanted to instill pride in serving the customers in a way that had previously not been done. The marketing director, who was tasked with this assignment, had no experience to draw upon. Read the solution

Executive Development

A partner in a large accounting firm was floundering because of the internal perception from his firm’s leadership. His technical prowess with clients was undisputed, but his job was actually in jeopardy based on their impression of his leadership in the firm. Read the solution

Strategic Planning

This professional services firm had been in business for over 25 years and wanted to grow to the next level. The two partners of the firm were subject matter experts who did not have strong managerial or leadership skills. To further complicate the situation, the partners often contradicted each other and bickered in front of their staff, creating an uncomfortable and awkward environment. Read the solution

Board Facilitation/Management Retreats

Lisa has worked with a number of boards of directors of non-profit organizations to help clarify mission and strategy. In one memorable case, a management upheaval happened on the morning preceding her facilitated session. The executive director had resigned, and a number of the volunteer board members were ready to resign as well. Read the solution

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Do you think of yourself as a leader?

Leadership starts with a mindset, not a title. Leaders influence. They share keen insight. They command respect without demanding it. Leaders inspire achievement of successful outcomes, whether leading people, projects, or processes. You’ll relate to the real-world vignettes in this book as they represent typical challenges leaders face as they navigate the wilds of the workplace.

Leadership Reflections is an unusual volume that should be on the desktop of every manager and leader, particularly in a corporate environment, but it would be helpful in any situation. -Manhattan Book Review

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Meet The Team

Dr. Lisa Aldisert Founder / CEO

Dr. Lisa M. Aldisert is an internationally recognized business advisor, trend expert, speaker and author. She is president of Pharos Alliance Inc., an executive advisory firm specializing in strategic planning, organizational and leadership development for entrepreneurial organizations.

Nichole MacDowell PR Director

Nichole manages our public relations, placing Lisa's thought leadership in the media, and coordinating all of our communications efforts. She has spent her entire career in the PR arena and loves building relationships.

Laura Shell Digital Media Manager

Laura is a talented Digital Media Manager who takes care of our website, streamlines social media posting, and helps out with all things digital. She has a background in graphic design, fashion design and illustration.