To Be in Harmony

Last Sunday CBS Sunday Morning featured a segment on the Harmony Project, a non-profit organization in Columbus, Ohio whose mission is to connect people across social divides through the arts, education, and volunteer community service. Its goal is to create a community in harmony.

The 225-member community choir uses music as a tool to strengthen the voices of individuals while creating a collective voice for the greater community.

This story resonated with me in sharp contrast to the divisive environment that has dominated the news and crept into our lives personally. We need reminders of our humanity, and this story accomplishes this.

At this year nears its end and we’re wrapping up both projects and presents, I invite you to take inspiration from this story.

Authentic leaders know the value of a harmonious environment in the workplace. Maybe a nugget from the Harmony Project will stimulate you to even greater accomplishments as a team.

Think about how you can create more harmony in your organization and even use the concept to create greater engagement among your employees.

In the meantime, winter arrived yesterday and Christmas and Hanukkah arrive this weekend. Take time to enjoy the festivities of the season and make some new memories with family and friends.

I wish you and yours a wonderful, peaceful holiday!

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