Create Your Own Momentum

Have you ever gotten so wrapped up in a project that you completely lost track of time? It feels great when that happens – you’re working “in the zone” and are usually in a peak productive state.

But how can you replicate that feeling on a regular basis? You need to learn to create your own momentum. What you’ll find is that although it’s a little different for each person, certain factors are universal.

Set aside a fixed amount of time, with a specific start and end time, where you will not be interrupted (this means no one coming into your office and no phone calls).

During your first few moments of this fixed time, get into the mindset that is appropriate for your project. Clear your head of the challenges of the day and your to do list. Decide what you want to accomplish during this focused time and record this goal.

Make sure your workspace is free of easily accessible distractions. This means getting rid of anything on your desk that doesn’t relate to what you’re working on.

Have everything that you need for your fixed work time within reach so that you don’t waste time looking for documents or that obscure scrap of paper with an important detail.

Turn off your email. You know that it will be waiting for you when you’re finished. No cell phones. No texts. (You knew this was coming…remember, no interruptions?)

You’ll be pleasantly surprised how these seemingly little things add up to help you focus and work with great momentum.

Are you ready now? Well, go for it!

“Focus is the art of knowing what to ignore.”
– James Clear

Header image by Los Muertos Crew/

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